I’m going to need a little time to put this into perspective and gain any insights beyond the following:
1. If I wasn’t a proportional representation fan before, I sure as hell am now.
2. E-night was so much better than E-the-next-morning.
3. Jack had a beautiful reference in his victory speech that caught me off-guard, when he referred to the party’s activists as “my northern star, a constant source of inspiration.”
4. Strategic voting is one of the great misnomers in Canadian politics. It’s tactical voting, and if voters really want to use it, they’d better know what the situation is in their riding. Otherwise, they’ll trade truly great MPs for Conservatives, not Liberals.
5. The child pornography smear campaign was, bar none, the lowest moment I can remember in Canadian politics — and coming from the party that decided making fun of Jean Chrétien’s facial features was a heads-up move, that’s saying something.