Think fast: Declan at Crawl Across the Ocean introduces you to Canada’s array of think-tanks, and has a brief but thoughtful comparison with blogs.
Design this: Double Plus Ungood tackles so-called “intelligent design theory,” the latest Trojan horse for anti-evolution creationists.
He points to the National Centre for Science Education’s Project Steve, which countered a pro-creationism petition signed by 356 scientists by getting signatures for a pro-evolution petition – 543 of them, all named “Steve”.
Polish notation: arieanna at Blogaholics snags an image from Tim Bray that opens up a whole new arena for spam: telephone poles. Vancouver is getting plastered with posters for some search engine optimization dweeb.
A journal where Lessig is no more: Lawrence Lessig has published in the Minnesota Law Review for the last time. The journal’s publication agreement strips writers of pretty much every right they have over their articles – an intolerable but terribly widespread practice in academic publishing. “[T]here is no academic or scholarship related reason why the publishing of academic works today should require more of me than this. And to the extent academic publishing demands more of me than this, I will not support it.” (I’m guessing I’ll have a second link up closer to home in the very near future, by the way.) He’s struck a nerve; check out the comments below his post.
BC don’t need no education: From the BCTF, a reality check on Campbell Liberal claims about education in the province. It’s a head-to-head comparison of Liberal claims versus harsh reality. Typically, this kind of document would try to spin the Liberal claims to make them look as ridiculous as possible… but instead, the teachers have chosen not just to present them straight-up, but to use the exact wording the Liberals do. Smart: it conveys a real confidence that the facts are on the teachers’ side.