There’s a white flag if I ever saw one. From, the American Family Association (sic) is throwing in the towel in its fight with Disney:

“We feel after nine years of boycotting Disney we have made our point,” the head of the American Family Association, Tim Wildmon, said in a letter to members on the group’s website.

The organization objected to movies like 1995’s Kids being made by Disney through its Miramax subsidiary, as well as the company’s decision to grant benefits to the common-law spouses of homosexual employees. It also wanted to put an end to gay-themed events at Disney’s parks.

…The AFA also cited a growing list of other concerns it wanted to address as impetus for letting Disney off the hook. Disney’s perceived sins, it said, have become “lost among the other battles being fought on a crowded cultural battlefield.”

…Apart from garnering headlines for the AFA, the boycott did not appear to have any measurable impact. Disney’s earnings are up, as is attendance at its theme parks. It is also reporting strong performance from its film and television properties.
