The Vancouver Courier has a superb obituary for the Granville Book Company, one of my favourite downtown haunts.
What probably killed the bookstore the most was the money pouring into the area from the Bonnis group to remake it as a nighttime entertainment district. More money came from the city building a residential population in the corridor around Granville Street. All that capital raised the cost of doing business on Granville.
“The reason why the Granville Book Company has closed down was due to substantial increases in property taxes and rents, something which is being experienced by all of downtown and not just Granville Street,” says an email from Hugo Blomfield, a planning assistant for the City of Vancouver.
Cole remembers the words of Gordon Price, a former city councillor and urban planner, a few months before the end. “He said, ‘You know, Bob, it’s really ironic, because after all, you guys have been championing people investing in Granville Mall all these years, when others said no one would ever do it, as long as the pedestrian mall was there. Lo and behold, your landlord does invest in it, and you’re the ones who suffer as a consequence.'”
I used to work there when it was The Mall Book Bazaar, part of the money-losing Julian Books chain. Brutal place to work in the evenings. And when there was a good band upstairs at the Commodore, deafening.
I worked there when it was MBB too. Jim Allan was manager. Rodney Clark, Mike, that red haired woman, Zoey Hunter and Wayne were my coworkers. It was a blast. Free entrance to any concert during my break to the Commodore if working the late shift. The display windows literally buckled! But I saw Images in Vogue ( Buddy Smith owner’s son Gary’s band), Nina Hagen, Nick Cave, OMD, Jerry Jeff a whole bunch of bands. We sold the Anarchists Cookbook but cops came in and confiscated it, that was an event. Can’t believe Jim and Rod were there til the end!
Hi Pam from Rodney, so nice to hear your memories and see your name in print from way back in the day. Please drop by The Paper Hound Bookshop 344 West Pender and say hello…