If you’re being tortured by comment spam on your WordPress blog, have a look at Akismet, the plugin from the folks who brought you, well, WordPress.

The secret sauce: cooperation. Akismet relies on clever folks like you and me to help teach it what is and isn’t spam. The more we identify spammy comments (and exonerate legitimate ones), the smarter Akismet gets… and it’s already plenty smart.

It comes as part of the default WordPress 2.0 installation, but you can also download and install the plugin for WordPress 1.5. Using it couldn’t be easier, except for one small quirk: you have to get a key (a randomized string of 12 characters and numbers) to activate it, and you can only get that by setting up a free WordPress.com blog. (Which you can then promptly abandon.)

I enabled Akismet yesterday, at the height of a flurry of spam. Since then, Akismet has flagged 68 comments as spam – and not one of them was legitimate. A single spammy comment got through; when I manually flagged it, I had a pleasant little rush of satisfaction, knowing I was making some small contribution to this ongoing battle.

As of a week ago, Akismet had blocked two million pieces of spam. I’m glad I can’t say the same; Akismet is helping to ensure I never will.
