You can spend a lot of time memorizing the rules of public relations. (“#15. Don’t say your target audience will blow money intended for their kids on beer and popcorn.”) But nothing drives the lesson home quite like the odious example of what happens when people break those rules.

Enter the Bad Pitch Blog. It’s a form of vengeance against clueless PR practitioners who send godawful pitches to reporters, columnists and editors, but it’s also a great way to learn the tricks of the trade through a series of cautionary tales. PR pros Richard Laermer and Kevin Dugan walk you through each pitch, dissecting it and pointing out exactly where things went so horribly wrong.

It’s entertaining as all get-out. And if you’re still hungry for bad pitches after reading it, head over to Query Letters I Love, where you’ll find pitches for some of the worst movies (n)ever made.
