Vancouver’s crown prince of blogging is writing a play… and blogging about the process:

I’m writing a play. It’s currently called Bolloxed and will–knock on wood, spin three times and throw the salt over your shoulder–premiere at the 2006 Victoria Fringe Festival, to be followed by a run at the Vancouver Fringe Festival. The folks at Theatre Tart will produce the show.

The blog’s remarkable, not just because it’s a peek over a writer’s shoulder as he works (I don’t know a single writer who’d let you do that), but because Darren is so upfront about his own fears about writing:

Why write a blog about writing and producing a play? Good question. First and foremost, writing a play scares the bejeesus out of me. If I’m Naomi Watts in The Ring, writing a play is that creepy pasty girl with the matted hair. It’s my hope that blogging about writing a play will temper this fear.

Why am I scared? It’s a confidence thing. When it comes to writing drama, I have none. Despite a degree in Theatre and Creative Writing, and having written a number of plays before, I have zero faith in my ability. Also, any small conviction I might have once had about my education and experience has been been killed by a few years off the drama-writing horse.

I’m afraid my play won’t be funny or entertaining or insightful or compelling or touching or any of the things that good plays are. I’m also afraid (don’t tell Theatre Tart) that it won’t get done, at least not to anywhere near my satisfaction.

My guess is it’ll be hilarious. And I hope be one of the first to find out when the play opens at the Vancouver Fringe.
