As Canadians tune in tonight to watch part 1 of Prairie Giant, the Tommy Douglas story, the Tommy Douglas Research Institute has just relaunched their web site.
They’re great folks, and we’re glad to be part of the project.
As Canadians tune in tonight to watch part 1 of Prairie Giant, the Tommy Douglas story, the Tommy Douglas Research Institute has just relaunched their web site.
They’re great folks, and we’re glad to be part of the project.
My sister-in-law, a devout CCF/NDP person, born and raised in Saskatchewan has asked me to persue the possibility of someone who had taped-off-the-air CBC story of “Prairie Giant: the Tommy Douglas Story”.
She, of course, ordered the DVD directly from the CBC marketing service and was shocked when she got her cheque returned and the advice that the program is “No longer available”.
Are you aware of anyone who may have created such a tape, and would be willing to sell a copy of it?
I look forward to your response.
Dr. Norman E. Schmidt
Lindell Beach, BC
Please tell those interested that I am recieving a copy shortly. As I too was born in Sask and witnessed many of the things shown in the DVD I feel strongly that this part of history for such it is should not be obliterated. If those interested in this DVD get in touch with me I will do my best to satisfy their desires.
Harvey Totten
I have Harvey’s email address on file, and if any of you want to get in touch with him, I’m happy to pass along your coordinates. Let me know by email (rob at robcottingham dot c a) or in the comments below.
dear harvey totten
thru rob
i am a doctor from the philippines. by chance they aired Prairie giant: the tommy douglas story. my wife and i were inspired by his story. we are particularly interested in advocating universal health care for the philippines and would like to use the dvd to show to the university of the Philippines medical students. we also use michael moore’s Sicko. we would appreciate very much if you can assist us in getting a copy of the Tommy Douglas dvd
I forgot to complete my statement: the tommy douglas story was aired in the hallmark channel of our cable tv and we were very surprised (and inspired by his story)