Listened to Terry Donnelly’s CBC report on the impending Basi/Virk trial on the way home tonight. (No web link – it doesn’t appear to be on their site.) It was a perfectly respectable piece, except it seemed to be missing a certain je ne sais quoi… or, actually, a mot juste: a single word to provide some kind of political context to the whole thing.
A word like, oh, I don’t know… Liberal.
Which didn’t appear once in his report. Nor did the phrase “BC government.” These guys were just “legislative aides”… unusually non-partisan ones, apparently.
Nice touch.
For people who have a high regard for the profession of journalism, CanWest does present a huge derriere needing to be drop-kicked through the goal-posts of fairness and public service.
Very worrying when CBC also lines up on that team.
Thanks for all you do.
“These guys were just legislative aides…..”
And sometimes a spiderman is just an arachnid.