Teh Funny

(photo by Tyler Ingram)

Today was huge for me. Huge. I’m still reeling from how much fun I had.

I got to deliver one of the two opening keynotes for Northern Voice, the blogging conference that really helped kick it all off for Alex and me back in 2005. And I did it as a standup routine.

The response was tremendous; the appreciation and encouragement were nothing short of overwhelming – in person and virtually. (Alex captured the Twitter stream, which gives you some idea.) If you were there, and you were one of the many who stopped me to tell me what you thought of the speech or gave me a shout on Twitter, thank you so much.

By the way, thanks to HootSuite‘s prescheduled tweeting service, I believe I’m now the first comic in history to heckle himself via Twitter in real time. Kindly alert the nice Guinness people.
