I’d been looking forward to catching the session on metrics that Beth Kanter was going to facilitate at NTEN/NTC, and it didn’t disappoint.

Participants Danielle Brigida of the National Wildlife Federation, Qui Diaz of Livingston Communications, Sarah Granger from PublicEdge and Wendy Harman of the American Red Cross tackled the tricky question of just how you measure social media (or, more to the point, participation in and impact of social media).

Beth started by quoting David Armano‘s prescription for using social media metrics: “Listen, learn, adapt.” From there, the wide-ranging conversation touched on sentiment analysis, the resources you should put into social media monitoring, tools and how best to apply them, and some practical stories from the field.

I’m working on my routine for tonight’s after show, so I won’t try to capture it all. Instead, for whatever they’re worth, my notes from the panel:

Notes from metrics panel, #1

Notes from metrics panel, #2

Notes from metrics panel, #3
