Rob’s blog
Ep. 64. I now pronounce you… correctly
Mispronouncing someone’s name from the stage is a lot more than a minor screwup. Here’s why speakers should never go to the mic without knowing how to pronounce every name they mention correctly — and why speechwriters should never let them do it.
Put the audience first. Keep it simple. And other lessons from helping to run my first online convention.
Last November, the BC Federation of Labour held its first-ever online convention. The response from our hundreds of delegates was overwhelmingly positive, and we learned plenty. I always keep my eyes peeled for things that make online speeches and presentations work...
Ep. 63. Less is more, and short is beautiful
When you’re speaking via video, you want to keep things short. Here’s how to embrace short, even when you’re scheduled to run long.
Ep. 62. Zoom out! You’re more than just another face
If you’re spending all day in Zoom meetings, then it’s easy to think that speaking by video automatically means showing your head and shoulders… and nothing else. Let’s talk about what you (and your audience) are missing by not letting the rest of your body get in on the act. (The bad news? You’re gonna need to start wearing pants again.)
61. Go big AND go home: Why you need to amp up your online energy for work-at-home audiences
Presenting remotely? You need to bring more energy to your speaking style when your audience is at home in front of their screens. Find out why… and how.
Ep. 60. The pivot: Mozilla adapts to communicating in the lockdown
This time, we look at how the technology visionaries at Mozilla are making the pivot from face-to-face leadership communications to virtual channels. We’re joined by Justin O’Kelly, Mozilla’s senior executive communications manager.
Ep. 59. Leadership communication through curation
If sharing really is caring, then the content you share needs to be content you really care about — and content your audience will care about too.
Ep. 58. Going virtual (and staying human)
With so many face-to-face presentations being cancelled, a lot of speakers are looking at going virtual. Here’s how to make up some of the emotional connection you may lose when you jump online.
Ep. 57. Making the best of a cancelled speech
Your event was cancelled? Sorry to hear it. But the good news is that it doesn’t have to mean the end of the road for your speech.
Ep. 56. Leadership communications in a crisis (part two)
Getting leadership communications right is never more important than in the middle of a crisis. Here are seven key principles for effectively communicating when your audience needs you most.
Ep. 55. Leadership communications in a crisis (part one)
This two-part episode looks at effective leadership communications in a crisis. Part one is all about planning now so you’re ready when the storm hits… either with this crisis, or the next one.
Ep. 54. It’s called public speaking. Not public singing.
Sing-song delivery saps your speech’s strength and breaks your connection to the audience. Here’s how to recognize it… and how to stop.