Rob’s blog

Social media in 2010: a cartoon year in review

The year that started with Angry Birds and wrapped up with Angry Delicious Users is finally over.
I’ve spent the past week (between meals of turkey leftovers) doodling my cartoon retrospective of the year in social media – and I think I showed tremendo…

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In which I am covered in chalk

I came home today wearing a jacket covered in a substance I haven't had to deal with (professionally, at least) in years: chalkdust. I'd facilitated a day-long session at Simon Fraser University's Harbour Centre campus, a 21-year-old facility (which makes it a puppy...

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Does that web app taste a little gamey?

Whenever we see a thing that does something we'd like to do, and does it really well, we get a powerful - and often healthy - urge to imitate it. (Or to crush it. Or to belittle it on Twitter. Or to ask, with an arched eyebrow, "Mmm. But does it scale?") For those of...

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Toonblogging on the iPad

I've posted my final cartoon from BlogWorld 2010. It was my most ambitious toonblogging session yet: three straight days of wall-to-wall coverage. (You can check out the results here.) Nearly all of it was on the iPad, using a Griffin stylus and Autodesk's SketchBook...

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Scary key card… or scariest key card ever?

I'm all settled in here in Las Vegas for tomorrow morning's launch of BlogWorld. And loving it. With... one... possible... exception. Here's what I'm using to get into my room at the Luxor: I'm double-bolting the door.

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Podcast: Strategy for a small organization

We’re coming up to the fifth anniversary of the Social Signal blog. So it’s fitting that this Bedtime with Rob and Alex podcast looks at the heart of what we do: developing strategies for participation.
And this time out, we’re looking at strategies fo…

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Cavalier about the lavalier

If you've never delivered a speech, presentation or workshop with a lavalier microphone attached to you, then friend, you've missed out. The lav is a little microphone, about the size of a bumblebee, that clips to your lapel. A black wire runs from the mic to a little...

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Public speaking and speechwriting: the essential guides

(photo of books with text) Leadership communications: the essential guides

Looking for advice on public speaking, speechwriting and leadership communications? Here are some of my most comprehensive posts, on topics that people ask me about most often.

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