Rob’s blog


I'm going to save the screen capture I took of the Democratic Party's home page a few minutes ago. And the next time I read some columnist pontificating about how the outcome of an election is a foregone conclusion...or hear a talking head pronouncing someone's...

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Got a killer labour union Web 2.0 campaign?

I'll be heading to Toronto next week to deliver a workshop on social media for the Canadian Association of Labour Media. Which leads me to ask: what are your favourite union- and labour-related Web 2.0 campaigns, case studies and resources? I'm happy to share (and...

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The audacity of “nope”

I love this story: Back in January, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) wanted documents that show Johnson ignored his staff when he blocked California's attempt to institute tough greenhouse gas limits on cars and trucks. The EPA said no, in part because "further disclosure...

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Boot and Blade: figure skating blog goes for Olympic gold

If you're not into figure skating - and by "into", I mean absolutely freakin' obsessed with it - you've probably been as nonplussed as I am when you hear conversations between people who are. Their exhaustive knowledge of the competitors, the techniques, the judging...

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How I’m voting in the 2008 Webbys

At least in social networking, my choice is clear: Updated: Guess who else is voting for Change Everything? Kate Trgovac, My Name is Kate Rebecca Bollwitt, Miss604 Darren Barefoot Travis Smith, Hop Studios (very best of luck with 2007 winner Truthdig, nominated again...

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If blog reading is addictive, RSS is the active ingredient

The CBC has a story about a study that points to habitual use of blogs ... that is, where instead of perusing their contents, you're checking them obsessively to see if there have been any updates. You know, like e-mail. Or, if you're like me, web analytics and Digg...

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Barack Obama’s speech on race

Back in the 1993 federal election, then-Prime Minister Kim Campbell was quoted as saying that elections are no time to discuss serious issues. (If memory serves, her comment was actually much more nuanced, but was dumbed down to that pithy, sensational and damaging...

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Welcome to the blogospheriverse, John Young!

Our friend John Young has dipped his toe in the blogging waters, and then leaped in Mark-Tewksbury-like with a strong stroke, mighty kick, and... eh, I don't have enough swimming metaphors to draw on. He's a very good writer - how's that? John writes about his...

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Public speaking and speechwriting: the essential guides

(photo of books with text) Leadership communications: the essential guides

Looking for advice on public speaking, speechwriting and leadership communications? Here are some of my most comprehensive posts, on topics that people ask me about most often.

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