Rob’s blog

Ensuring a good life for a relative with a disability

One of the most amazing sessions at last May's Social Change Institute at Hollyhock was a presentation by Vickie Cammack and Al Etmanski of the PLAN Institute for Caring Citizenship. They do amazing work helping families and circles of friends ensure a secure,...

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Canadians: Republican villains of choice

As Republican desperation grows in the looming prospect of losing both houses of Congress, the party is reverting to form with a series of brutal attack ads. And Canada is emerging as a handy source of tar to slather onto Democratic politicians. Earlier this month,...

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Welcome to the blogroll: The Legislature Raids

Hard to believe I hadn't added her blog already, but now I have: BC Mary's The Legislature Raids, pretty much the only news source constantly tracking the Basi/Virk trial and the associated staggering BC Liberal scandal. It's not a dispassionate account; Mary has a...

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Write a letter. Make a difference.

Some people write to politicians because they're angry and they want to vent. Fair enough – just be aware that venting doesn't change a whole lot. But if you want to actually make a difference, then heat isn't going to help. Passion and conviction, yes, but not...

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Gesundheit, iPod

Apparently, a number of newer video iPods – a very small number, just a very few... trivial, really, hardly worth mentioning at all – come equipped with an undocumented feature: a virus that can infect Windows computers. Apple has issued a warning indicating that...

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How to support the troops and not necessarily the war

Commenting on my post a few weeks ago, Darren Barefoot isn't sure you can support the troops without supporting the war: That always struck me as wishy-washy, and seemed to render these troops as unthinking automatons or poor saps who are just doing their job. The...

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Bill Tieleman joins the conversation

Here's a welcome development: Bill Tieleman, one of BC's liveliest political voices, has jumped into the blogging world: Bill Tieleman is one of BC's best known communicators, political commentators and strategists. Bill writes a politics column Tuesdays in 24 Hours...

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Marketing 1.0 1, Marketing 2.0 0: Death of a blog at the ROM

Kate Trgovac has the inside scoop on how a ready-to-launch blog at the Royal Ontario Museum was deep-sixed by the marketing powers that be. It was to have it all. Behind the scenes reports from curators. Advance notice of exclusive events. Insight into the Renaissance...

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Liberal web site roundup v.2.0: focus on the social web

With the departure of several candidates, the field has narrowed – and after last weekend's delegate selection meetings, it could still narrow even further. That may make the choice a little tougher for Liberal delegates, but it sure does make the site roundups...

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Supporting our troops

"You cannot say you are for our military and then not stand behind the things they do," said Harper. (From A 'sea of red' unfolds as troop supporters crowd Parliament Hill)This space welcomes guest blogger The Right Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada....

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Public speaking and speechwriting: the essential guides

(photo of books with text) Leadership communications: the essential guides

Looking for advice on public speaking, speechwriting and leadership communications? Here are some of my most comprehensive posts, on topics that people ask me about most often.

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