Rob’s blog

A new entrant in the blog search sweepstakes: Bloglines

It was just a matter of time, but Bloglines has launched its own blog search engine, with feeds for search results. This could be significant; nobody has been able to knock Technorati off its perch yet, but Bloglines comes equipped with a pretty big user base. And for...

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NetSquared: thanks for the music tonight

These guys along with several other very talented folks (including comedian Heather Gold) performed tonight at the NetSquared conference party. (Visit their MySpace page and check out the song Change Tha Nation.) It's hard, awfully damn hard, to perform for a...

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NetSquared, morning sessions: liveblogging

Here are my very rough notes from this morning's sessions at the NetSquared conference. To get more information, or to take part, visit the NetSquared remote conference site. Daniel Ben-Horin There's something going on that isn't incremental, a sea change. In our work...

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Send Sarah Marchildon your best

Yikes: the writer of one of my favourite Vancouver blogs, Sarah Marchildon, has had a bad bike crash and faces a weeks-long recovery. If you've been enjoying her blog as much as I have, why not drop her a line at her blog and wish her a full, speedy recovery?

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DeSmogBlog: blogging versus climate spin

Just a quick plug: a friend of mine, Sarah Pullman, is working on a terrific project, the DeSmogBlog, which aims to combat the corporate PR machine trying to eke out a few more years of rapacity before facing the inevitable climate change music. (Forgive the awkward...

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Welcome, Charity Villagers

The fine folks at Charity Village have just added SpeechList to their directory of online resources for Canadian non-profits. And in turn, I strongly recommend adding Charity Village to your list of regular online check-ins. Whether you're looking for your next...

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SpeechList Issue #6: When NOT to give a speech

Issue 6 - May 23, 2006 IN THIS ISSUE... Opening words Feature article: Seven reasons not to give a speech Reports from Ragan Reading list This issue's tip Subscribing, unsubscribing and passing along the news 1. Opening words Between a flurry of conferences, leaving...

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Happy birthday, Public Eye Online

Sean Holman says "it seems like only yesterday", but I can't believe it's only been two years since Public Eye Online hit the web. Since then, Holman has faithfully chronicled behind-the-scenes political intrigue in Victoria. (Along the way, there's been a short-lived...

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How to stop new-user spam on WordPress

The past week has seen a flurry of new user registrations on this blog. Which is extremely suspicious, because I don't actually have a link anywhere to the user registration page. (Also, they're all using very similar-sounding Russian e-mail accounts.) My conclusion?...

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Prague 2.0: the attack on network neutrality

It's a funny business, the web. One day some cool new tool can come along, and you find yourself astonished by potential it opens up for people to communicate, collaborate and create. The next day, someone decides that the free, open Internet is standing in the way of...

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Rob at SCI

(Originally uploaded by Phillip Djwa, whose SCI pix are a revelation. Check 'em out!)Our blogging workshop starts in just a few hours. I'm starting to get excited; the participants are telling me how much they're looking forward to it, the Net connection's alive and...

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Public speaking and speechwriting: the essential guides

(photo of books with text) Leadership communications: the essential guides

Looking for advice on public speaking, speechwriting and leadership communications? Here are some of my most comprehensive posts, on topics that people ask me about most often.

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