Rob’s blog

Lives gone in a Flash

Via Shel Holtz, here's a highly compelling use of Macromedia's oft-maligned Flash technology: Iraq War Coalition Fatalities. This is one area where Flash excels – telling stories visually, in this case the loss of life among the U.S. and its allies in the Iraq war....

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Four Pollies for NOW Communications

Terrific news from last month's convention of the American Association of Political Consultants: my friends (and former coworkers) at NOW Communications took home four Pollies, the coveted awards for excellence in political communication. They won a bronze in the...

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Strategic blogging workshop at Hollyhock: May 17-21

We're putting the finishing touches on Word Power, the Social Signal blogging workshop that Alex and I will be holding at the Hollyhock Centre from May 17 to 21. I'm excited about this: there are a growing number of technical how-to resources for blogging, but there...

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Accidental dossiers: privacy and security in the new web

I just posted this at the Social Signal blog. It's the opening presentation I didn't end up delivering at the 2006 Nonprofit Technology Conference. Here's an excerpt: Think about Web 2.0 – the loose collection of new technologies like blogs, news feeds and the like...

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Rewrite the quotation books

I don't know much about state senate races in Maryland. I do know a great quotation when I see one... and Jamie Raskin, a constitutional law professor running in the Democratic primary, has just assured himself a place in the next edition of any half-decent book of...

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18 hours a week. Heh.

When the British government put out the call for a new speechwriter to manage the troubled health dossier, they offered a salary ranging from about £38,000 to £56,543. That in turn provoked gasps of outrage throughout the British media and blogosphere (any...

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The arrow of your ways (PowerPoint-wise)

You're preparing a PowerPoint presentation, and you have this slide, and you think, "You know what would go nicely right about here? An arrow..." Hold it right there, buckaroo. Before you go any further, read this post by Joel at Hyde Park Associates. He makes a...

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In the moment

The mixed reviews for Jon Stewart's Oscar-hosting performance last weekend may reflect a dilemma I've noticed with many speakers. They get only tepid response from their audiences during their prepared remarks, but wow 'em during the Q and A afterward. Often that...

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Public speaking and speechwriting: the essential guides

(photo of books with text) Leadership communications: the essential guides

Looking for advice on public speaking, speechwriting and leadership communications? Here are some of my most comprehensive posts, on topics that people ask me about most often.

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