Rob’s blog

Thinking of blogging? Head to Northern Voice 2006

If you: have heard about blogging, and you're intrigued, have been blogging a little, and you're hungry to do more, or blog like a maniac, and want to meet others like you, then register now for Northern Voice 2006, Canada's blogging conference. Alex and I attended...

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Write if you (want to) find work

You're heading into the workforce. What's the one skill you need more than any other: computer networking certification? the latest management techniques? a driver's license? Or is it the ability to string a sentence together? That last answer would appeal to Jason...

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Thankfully, they didn’t call it “Bloogle”

To nobody's great surprise, the biggest player in search engines has entered the blog search arena. Folks, let's have a big hand to welcome Google Blog Search. Technorati's early lead in blog searching looks pretty vulnerable these days, thanks to some real (and...

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Free web statistics? Don’t count on it.

One of the cooler things about the web is how many free tools there are to build, maintain, enhance and enjoy web sites. A lot of tools are offered out of the goodness of their makers' hearts. But that's not always the case. Sometimes the freebie is a way of setting...

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Is CBC Unplugged the future of labour communications?

Pay very, very close attention to what's going on at CBC Unplugged. If you're active in the field of labour relations, that site may just be a crystal ball into your future. It's the latest project from locked-out CBC producer Tod Maffin (whose name appears so often...

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Evan Leeson, come on down!

Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Evan Leeson's blog,, the newest addition to my blogroll. I've known Evan since we worked together in a squat concrete building known as The Bunker, on the grounds of the BC Legislature, during the last...

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Is iTunes dicking with podcast descriptions?

Okay, I can understand bowdlerizing words like f**k and sh-t and j@k$%m*ckled... but as the son of a Dick (as in "short for Richard"), I'm a little narked at what seems to be going on in this screenshot of the iTunes podcast directory: I'm not sure if this silliness...

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Mambo missteps: a major split at an open-source CMS

Last week, Peter Russell was proudly reporting that Mambo, an open-source content management system, had beaten out Firefox for top honours at Linuxworld. Exactly one week later, he and the other members of Mambo's development team published an open letter announcing...

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How big is blogging?

Some time early this morning, a single blogging platform - WordPress, the one that powers this site - was downloaded for the 500,000th time. Bear in mind that to install WordPress, you need more than just the free directory your average ISP provides. You need to be...

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Risk communication 101

Want a crash course in the basics of risk communication? The Pan American Health Organization (a.k.a. the Americas branch of the World Health Organization) has an online course available, free of charge. Check it out.

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Camera phones: the big picture

A young woman is on a train. Creepy guy in a trench coat sits down across from her. She looks up. He flashes. Last century: She moves away, feeling eight shades of humiliated. This century: She takes his picture with a camera phone... and blogs it. brooklyngirl's blog...

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As bloggers everywhere wait with bated breath…

... the good guys unite again to combat spammers: Working together with the same group of folks, the second Web Spam Squashing Summit will be held in the second half of September in Silicon Valley again. Final details are still being arranged, but representatives from...

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Public speaking and speechwriting: the essential guides

(photo of books with text) Leadership communications: the essential guides

Looking for advice on public speaking, speechwriting and leadership communications? Here are some of my most comprehensive posts, on topics that people ask me about most often.

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