Rob’s blog

Remember this when you read your next opinion poll

From The Tyee: The Professional Marketing Research Society, which represents Canadian pollsters and market researchers, reports that about four out of every five respondents contacted by Canadian pollsters refuse to participate. Because of answering machines and call...

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Getting into the story

Unless you've just been indicted for pouring toxic sludge into the city's water supply, one of your PR goals is probably to raise your profile. One way you do that is to get news coverage. But the news media have inertia; it's much harder to get a whole new story...

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Laugh all you want…

What were the odds? Just as I start doing stand-up for the first time, John Rogers at Kung Fu Monkey makes a compelling argument for drawing politicians from the ranks, not of lawyers and CEOs, but stand-up comics: Let's say the candidate's job is to walk into a room...

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Screwing up and apologizing: a case study

I mistook the Educational Policy Institute for the fringe-right-wing Education Policy Institute. Oops. I didn't double and triple check before posting a blog comment based on my misapprehension. Double and triple oops. I apologized over there, and I'll apologize over...

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Dog whistle politics

Here's a great little term I'd never heard before, courtesy of the Double-Tongued Word Wrester Dictionary: dog whistle politics n. a concealed, coded, or unstated idea, usually divisive or politically dangerous, nevertheless understood by the intended voters. Also dog...

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How not to handle a news conference

Pop quiz: you have to do a news conference where you have damn-all in the way of actual news to announce. The media's already prickly, and liable to turn on you. Do you: a) repeat your message over and over, making it the only clip reporters are likely to get from...

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19 times out of 20

Just a quick note to suggest you have a look at Matthew Yglesias' explanation of why you can't always take polls literally: I've seen polls showing, pretty consistently, that people favor a flat tax. Polls also consistently show that people think the rich should pay...

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Q. So what’s Kryptonite’s secret vulnerability?

A. Ballpoint pens and damage control. Jake McKee dissects an interview between PRNews and the general manager of Kryptonite, the ur-manufacturer of those U-shaped bike locks you now see everywhere. Back in September, a user at a bike discussion forum posted the...

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Alastair Campbell… or is it?

There's an entertaining if foul-mouthed blog out there, titled Alastair Campbell - the name of Tony Blair's former Dark Lord of the Sith spin supremo. Is there even a chance that this is really him, with such tempered and reasonable posts as this? Wish Piers Morgan...

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Viagra for graphs

Three minutes to deadline, and you've got a turkey of a story: an opinion poll that shows a minor difference - barely outside the margin of error - in the way Democrats see the Terri Schiavo issue, and the way Republicans see it. What to do... what to do... Well, if...

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Public speaking and speechwriting: the essential guides

(photo of books with text) Leadership communications: the essential guides

Looking for advice on public speaking, speechwriting and leadership communications? Here are some of my most comprehensive posts, on topics that people ask me about most often.

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