Rob’s blog

Learning from the bad guys

I love The Left Coaster. It's thought-provoking as well as irreverent (a balance I suspect we rarely quite get right here at ODTAA, despite our staff of 200 researchers, 16 writers and 24-hour TiVO tech support) (ah, you knew I was making that up - you can't get TiVO...

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I Hate Huckabees

Jake at Community Guy has kindly extracted the top ten "I Hate (insert name of clod-like corporation here)" web sites from an article at Forbes. Here's a little background, for the curious: Back in 2001, Canadian Tire tried to separate Mick McFadden and his...

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Jetsgone: a view from the inside

2016 Update: The website was deactivated quite a while ago. (Here's the announcement, via Here's what it looked like in its heyday. One aspect of the whole Jetsgo fiasco that this space has touched on (without adequately addressing) is the horrible...

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Update: One of the things I love about the Net is the willingness of people to spring into action in times of crisis. Case in point: the spanking new site JetsGone that stakano plugs in the comments on this post. I've touched on JetsGo's problems in the past, and a...

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Blogging disaster management

Heading off on a tangent from the pivotal issue - when does an employer get a say in an employee's off-hours life? - let's take a moment to consider ten pieces of sage advice from Robert Scoble on what to do when your blog goes horribly, horribly wrong (and how to...

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Bloggers, post at your peril

Write a letter to the editor, and it's forgotten in a day. Call a phone-in show, and you're history in a minute and a half. But post to a blog, and - unless you delete them yourself - your words live on as long as your blog does. They can be read by anyone with an...

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Darn good question.

Pete Shinbach over at The Bach Door asks an awfully good question in relation to this excerpt from a news story: "An aide to [someone the reporter was trying to contact] said the developer was traveling out of state Thursday and could not be reached for comment." In...

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And the award for best, pithiest Oscar speech goes to…

Is it too jingoistic to award it to Chris Lambeth? I am here tonight because of the grace and humility of one guy watching from Montreal. Ryan Larkin, I dedicate this award to you. And I'm sharing this award with Steve Hoban for Copper Heart Entertainment. Steve, you...

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Waaaay off-message

The big issue right now in U.S. federal politics is the future of social security. (Everything you want to know about how this is shaking down is covered diligently at Talking Points Memo.) The Republican mantra as they plan to privatize large swaths of the program...

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Damage control: how to do it

Not 24 hours after a media spitstorm, Her Excellency comes out smelling like a rose... and shows the rest of us how to handle a bad-news day. Here's how: She responded immediately, and made herself available: "Hearing the story on CBC Radio Thursday morning, Gov. Gen....

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How not to handle a screw-up

You might want to think twice before booking with Jetsgo, if Penney Kome's tale of stranded passengers at Pearson is any indication: Other airlines called in more staff (and presumably paid overtime wages) to respond to the crisis. Not only did Jetsgo lack crew...

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Public speaking and speechwriting: the essential guides

(photo of books with text) Leadership communications: the essential guides

Looking for advice on public speaking, speechwriting and leadership communications? Here are some of my most comprehensive posts, on topics that people ask me about most often.

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