Here’s a cartoon drawn on Translink’s #4 Powell bus. I challenged myself to see what I could get done between the south end of the Granville Bridge and Dunsmuir; the answer is, more than I thought. (And that’s with the unblinking stare of my seatmate, who was watching me work on my iPad with something that may have been interest, derision or clinical detachment. It’s hard to tell with hipsters.)
Great comic! Ironically your Share This button is so overloaded I found it really difficult to locate the social media tool I want to share it with, and when I finally found it, no title was offered. :/
Thanks for the feedback, Nico. Would you mind telling me which service you were trying to use, so I can do a little troubleshooting?
Amused by your cartoons. Pulled one from google
images to use on my blog (see open salon ) and couldn't get the caption to enlarge. I had to substitute but I always use cartoons and appreciate that you have so many on line to choose from and they are well drawn. The one I wanted to use was the waitress warning the customers that she would be blogging.
Hi, Marjorie –
That would be this one. Let me know if you aren't able to snag it. And thanks for the kind words – I'm glad you like the cartoon!
That cartoon makes me so happy. I just RT'ed it and look forward to my promotion.
Monica – You are hereby promoted to the rank of Guru-General of the Interwebs. Use your title wisely, and only for good.