There’s a lot about Twitter that I find annoying: Auto DMs from people when I follow them (“Thanks for the follow! And please check out my acai berry multi-level marketing site!”). Random, Inspiration Lite™ quotations, stripped of all context. People who invent rules like “you have to follow everyone who follows you.” (No, you don’t. And you don’t have to eavesdrop on an intelligence agency just because they tap your phone line – in fact, they discourage it.)
But just when I get crotchety enough to start shopping for a shawl and rocking chair, along comes what may be the one meme on Twitter that actually warms the cockles of my heart: Follow Friday.
(I’ll pause here to let the derisive laughter die down.)
Let me stipulate: a lot of #ff tweets aren’t much use. Some are just a random string of accounts; too many others recommend folks like @aplusk, @cnnbrk and @barackobama – not exactly out-of-the-box discoveries.
But I’m finding more and more #ff tweets that put recommendations into context, saying these people are funny, or inspirational, or smart. And I’m seeing others that use Follow Friday to offer thanks, express love or suggest that people reach out and offer some comfort or attention. And when people use it that way, I’ve found I actually do find interesting new folks to follow.
For all its faults and misuse, Follow Friday is adding a little to Twitter’s growing pool of social capital. So TGIFF… and let’s try to bring that spirit of generosity and gratitude to the other six days of the week.

I'm totally with you on this. It's wonderful to see people recommending and referring others in a meaningful way, without the endless stream of #FF tweets. I tend to ignore those, but will check out personal recommendations that have a reason attached to them – because I'm not looking to simply increase my followers/following, I'm looking to increase quality in my network. Great reminder!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rob Cottingham, Adam Gurri, Noise to Signal, Jon Leland, Adele Kirwer and others. Adele Kirwer said: Tworld Tweace? RT @RobCottingham New cartoon (and tribute to #followfriday): Tweaty – […]