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Notes from a session on digital activism

How nonprofits can protect digital rights (and themselves) post-SOPA: cartoon-blogging at #12ntc

How nonprofits can protect digital rights (and themselves) post-SOPA: cartoon-blogging at #12ntc published on 2 Comments on How nonprofits can protect digital rights (and themselves) post-SOPA: cartoon-blogging at #12ntc

Notes from a session on digital activismOne more session from NTEN’s Nonprofit Technology Conference – this one featuring the EFF’s Rainey Reitman, Craigslist’s Craig Newmark and NTEN’s Holly Ross.

This one works a lot better as a bigger graphic. So if you’d like, here it is.

Awards luncheon: Cartoon-blogging at #12ntc

Awards luncheon: Cartoon-blogging at #12ntc published on No Comments on Awards luncheon: Cartoon-blogging at #12ntc

Oh, sure, NTEN does a great job of recognizing technological innovation, community-building and superlative achievement (huge props to Farra Trompeter, this year’s NTEN Award honoree).

Yet there are so many more kinds of genuine excellence we could be celebrating, and these cartoons represent my modest suggestions for a few new categories.

Dr. Changelove – making tech change happen in your organization: Cartoon-blogging at #12ntc

Dr. Changelove – making tech change happen in your organization: Cartoon-blogging at #12ntc published on No Comments on Dr. Changelove – making tech change happen in your organization: Cartoon-blogging at #12ntc

Another cartoon-blog from the Nonprofit Technology Conference. (Thanks again to NTEN for having me, and Rally for flying me in! Catch the work Kate Rutter and I did at the conference here.)

This one’s from Dr. Changelove, or: How My Org Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Technology. It was one of the strongest panels I’ve seen in a while, featuring Rose de FremeryDahna Goldstein and Marc Baizman (who went out of his way to make me feel like a rock star, and then delivered a terrific Ignite talk on improvisation).


Social media policy: cartoon-blogging #12NTC

Social media policy: cartoon-blogging #12NTC published on No Comments on Social media policy: cartoon-blogging #12NTC

It was another great Nonprofit Technology Conference, my second in San Francisco… and my second cartoon-blogging outing for my friends at NTEN.

This time around, the good folks at Rally – a social fundraising platform, and the folks behind a very cool workspace – sponsored the graphic recording effort.

Which meant there were not one but two pens flying during various keynotes and breakout sessions. My colleague was the amazing Kate Rutter, who manages to combine detail, structure and composition in ways that amaze me. You can see the results of our work here.

Here’s the first of a series of cartoons and cartoon-blogging notes: a record of the session on social media policy, led by Idealware’s Andrea Berry and Darim’s Lisa Colton and centered around their free social media policy workbook.

Unintended consequences

Unintended consequences published on No Comments on Unintended consequences

It’s the dying moments of the Nonprofit Technology Conference in San Francisco. I’ve been cartoon-blogging like a madman – updates to follow – but in the meantime, thought I’d share a sketch from the flight down.