I got to kick off MooseCamp – the narrowly-rescued unconference stream at Northern Voice – with a half-hour on webcomics. I shared a little of what I’ve learned over the past few years, but one of the things that grabbed people’s imagination is that you can cartoon without, well, cartooning.
Here are links to some of the comics I mentioned that are created with little or no actual drawing (although there’s a lot of talent still there):
- Dwell On It, Tateru Nino’s cartoon created through Second Life screen captures
- Gumshoo, a fun comic that deals with the same kind of topics I do, created on Bitstrips.com
- A Softer World, with captions over top of photos – think LOLcats for grownups (often leading dark internal lives)
- Dinosaur Comics, which uses the same clipart and panel structure in every comic
- Get Your War On, which uses truly awful office clipart to devastating political effect
- And then there’s xkcd – stick-figure cartoons from someone who every once in a while proves he can, in fact, draw pretty damn nicely.
Thanks, everyone – I loved the session!

Well, it works for me :) I can't draw! Actually, I'm the only person in the history of my high-school to have flunked Art class.
If there's a lesson there, it's probably that the ability to create art doesn't begin or end with what is commonly thought of as artistic ability.
Words to live by, Tateru!