(man holding a baggie, to a prospective customer) I don’t sell nothin’ but primo stuff! You don’t believe me, check my Yelp listing.
Thanks to everyone who suggested their favourite cartoons!
A week ago, I asked if you’d lend me a hand choosing which cartoons I should start with as I begin offering limited-edition prints… and you responded with dozens of suggestions.
Thanks so much – it isn’t going to be easy to choose! But what was easy was picking a name at random… and lakes, of the Chilean tech blog raton.cl, will be getting his pick as a snazzy print. (Kind of cool to send the very first one off the continent!)
I’ll let you know as soon as I’ve chosen the first three cartoons to get the limited-edition treatment. In the meantime, thank you all again… and feel free to keep offering suggestions!
We mean you no harm
(alien to two army generals in Roswell, 1947) Your primitive organizational culture is not ready for our advanced social media technology. Call us in 60 years or so.
Also, a decent macro utility wouldn’t hurt
(man in a bar to his friend) Life needs an ‘Undo’ command.
Help me choose Noise to Signal limited-edition prints (and win a print for yourself)!
Ever since I started drawing Noise to Signal, people have asked me if it’s possible to get a print. I’ve finally gotten around to looking into that question – and lo and behold, making prints turns out to be perfectly feasible.
So I’m going to start selling prints of Noise to Signal cartoons. And I’d like to do it in two ways.
- First, I want to make prints available for any cartoon someone thinks is good enough to hang on their wall (it’s a hell of a compliment). That’s still in the works.
- But second, there are some special cartoons where I’d like to create a few limited-edition prints.
And that’s where I’d like your help: choosing which cartoons to start with. I want to pick three cartoons for limited-edition prints in time for the holiday season. So here’s my question to you:
Which Noise to Signal cartoon would you most like to receive under your tree / in your stocking / during your awkward office gift exchange / next to your Festivus pole?
Leave your suggestion in the comments below. And as my way of saying thanks – because I appreciate your doing a little free market research for me – I’m going to randomly draw one name from everyone who helps out, and send that lucky winner a print of their favourite cartoon.
We’ll do this for the next week or so, and I’ll announce the three cartoons (they won’t necessarily be the ones that get the most votes, but your suggestions will carry a lot of weight) next Monday.
You can find the Noise to Signal cartoons here. Just drop the URL for your choice in a comment below.
Thanks for your help!