by Rob Cottingham | Jul 26, 2006 | Communicating, Politics
They aren’t just nailing car manufacturers any more; they’re trying to make owning the buggers socially unacceptable. by Rob Cottingham | Jul 13, 2006 | Speechwriting, Vancouver
Funny – we both live here in the Lower Mainland, yet I met Colin Moorhouse for the first time on the East Coast, at the Ragan Speechwriters Conference in Washington, DC. And now you can meet him too, thanks to his all-day speechwriting seminar on July 29th:... by Rob Cottingham | Jul 12, 2006 | Blogging, Communicating, Technology
Darren Barefoot took a deft swipe at the WeblogWire service, which purports to deliver your news release to the eyeballs of a gazillion bloggers at the click of a mouse (and a payment of $49 U.S.). He wrote a news release that announced his intention to pillory the... by Rob Cottingham | Jun 23, 2006 | Communicating, Speechwriting
As reported in many quarters, including Mystery Pollster: Last Sunday, Bush press secretary Tony Snow speculated about what polls might have shown during World War II: “If somebody had taken a poll in the Battle of the Bulge, I dare say people would have said,... by Rob Cottingham | Jun 15, 2006 | Blogging, Communicating, Culture, Arts and Popcorn, Politics
Using YouTube, Google Video and other video hosting sites as a way to generate viral buzz (especially from bloggers) for An Inconvenient Truth has been one of the filmmakers’ most heads-up moves in a very savvy campaign. Behold the latest trailer: by Rob Cottingham | May 22, 2006 | SpeechList, Speechwriting
Issue 6 – May 23, 2006 IN THIS ISSUE… Opening words Feature article: Seven reasons not to give a speech Reports from Ragan Reading list This issue’s tip Subscribing, unsubscribing and passing along the news 1. Opening words Between a flurry of...