by Rob Cottingham | Aug 8, 2005 | Communicating, Politics, Technology
Short of actually causing a loss of human life, a major oil spill or the bulldozing of an orphanage, companies don’t often have a worse stretch of PR than Telus has weathered over the past few weeks. Just as the dust was settling from the site-blocking fiasco, a... by Rob Cottingham | Aug 8, 2005 | Communicating, Technology
Hey, I’ve made the big time – my comment on the phrases “they don’t get it” and “going forward” made it onto the latest podcast of For Immediate Release: The Hobson and Holtz Report. Apart from shameless self-promotion, you... by Rob Cottingham | Aug 6, 2005 | Communicating, Technology
Wondering what podcasting is, and what it means for public relations practitioners? Just listen to last week’s episode of For Immediate Release: The Hobson and Holtz Report – which is itself a podcast, and if you don’t know what the means,... by Rob Cottingham | Aug 5, 2005 | SpeechList, Speechwriting
Here’s Issue #3 of SpeechList, the speechwriting newsletter. Get yours fresh from the keyboard by clicking here to subscribe. SPEECHLIST: WRITING TO BE HEARD Issue 3 – August 4, 2005 by Rob Cottingham Front page mail: rob at robcottingham dot ca (c) Rob... by Rob Cottingham | Aug 3, 2005 | Communicating, Technology
The Mozilla Foundation, the people behind the wildly successful open-source browser Firefox, is spinning off a for-profit corporation. The first sign? They’re using a particular phrase in no less than five of their FAQs: “going forward”. As in,... by Rob Cottingham | Aug 3, 2005 | Communicating
The latest issue of eCatalyst kindly recommends SpeechList as an important part of this balanced communications breakfast, and I’m happy to return the compliment. eCatalyst, a free e-mail newsletter, brings you fabulously useful information about PR and...