by Rob Cottingham | May 11, 2005 | Communicating, Politics
Don’t do this: Ashley MacIsaac now says he doesn’t support Conservative Leader Stephen Harper, which is what he told The Chronicle-Herald on Monday. The Cape Breton fiddler called the paper at the first of the week to say he had decided to throw his... by Rob Cottingham | May 11, 2005 | Politics, Speechwriting
Dammit, they’ve found out: this is exactly how we write political speeches. by Rob Cottingham | May 9, 2005 | Communicating, Culture, Arts and Popcorn, Politics
Hot on the heels of our discussions over what great political candidates stand-up comics would make (triggered by a post by John Rogers)… …Mike Nichols suggests the story-telling skills of film and theatre are desperately needed in politics, too: In... by Rob Cottingham | May 4, 2005 | Communicating, Politics
From The Tyee: The Professional Marketing Research Society, which represents Canadian pollsters and market researchers, reports that about four out of every five respondents contacted by Canadian pollsters refuse to participate. Because of answering machines and call... by Rob Cottingham | May 4, 2005 | Communicating, Politics
Unless you’ve just been indicted for pouring toxic sludge into the city’s water supply, one of your PR goals is probably to raise your profile. One way you do that is to get news coverage. But the news media have inertia; it’s much harder to get a... by Rob Cottingham | May 2, 2005 | Communicating, Politics
What were the odds? Just as I start doing stand-up for the first time, John Rogers at Kung Fu Monkey makes a compelling argument for drawing politicians from the ranks, not of lawyers and CEOs, but stand-up comics: Let’s say the candidate’s job is to walk...