by Rob Cottingham | Sep 2, 2004 | Culture, Arts and Popcorn, Speechwriting
Just watching The Last Samurai on DVD. One of the samurai warriors who have captured Tom Cruise’s character has just barked “Insolent swine!” at him.The writer must be especially adept at stifling his gag reflex to have penned a line like that. (So... by Rob Cottingham | May 26, 2004 | Politics, Speechwriting
You never know when somebody on the other side of the spectrum (waaaaaay on the other side) might take notice. (Scroll down to “Canada Votes, Day 3”.)Sure, I disagree with him on the issues. But jimminy, the guy’s written for a U.S. president. So... by Rob Cottingham | May 25, 2004 | Speechwriting
Ever wondered what happens when you get three speechwriters from three different parties in a room together? (Pretend for a moment that the answer is “Gosh, yes.”) CBC Radio’s smashing morning show The Current did just that today, with yours truly... by Rob Cottingham | May 5, 2004 | Communicating, Politics
A fearless prediction: at least one of the two Liberal attack ads featured on the front page of the Globe and Mail yesterday will never appear again.It’s the ad attacking Stephen Harper for urging Canada to jump into the war in Iraq. And it’s just plain... by Rob Cottingham | Oct 8, 2003 | Politics, Speechwriting
The shock of election night in California wasn’t Gray Davis’s recall or the election of Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor.It was hearing commentator after commentator fall all over themselves to say what a great speech the victor gave.I listened to the... by Rob Cottingham | Aug 14, 2003 | Communicating, Politics
Humpty Dumpty founded the art of spin when he told Alice, “When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.”PR flaks, including yours truly, have made a not-bad living from that advice ever since. But nobody took...