Ep. 18. Prepare… even when you don’t have time
Maybe this isn’t going to be a virtuoso performance. But it can still be a really good one. Here’s how to lift a speech from the page when you only have a few minutes to prepare.
Maybe this isn’t going to be a virtuoso performance. But it can still be a really good one. Here’s how to lift a speech from the page when you only have a few minutes to prepare.
Think rehearsal and preparation kill your spontaneity? This episode could change your mind — by showing you how rehearsal actually frees you to make spontaneous choices in the moment. Tips, techniques… and an excuse to use coloured highlighters. What more could you ask from a podcast?
This episode, we pivot from speechwriting to speaking itself. And we start with the single biggest way most speakers can level up: authentic performance.
Want actionable feedback on your speech? Here’s how to ask the right person, for the right feedback, at the right time.
You’ve reached the end of your speech. Now it’s time for a powerful call to action and conclusion. And you can do it in four steps: challenge, call, recipe and reward. Here’s how.
By all means, meet — or beat — your audience’s expectations for what they’ll get out of your speech. But not for what you put into it. Here’s how to be surprising and unpredictable, but still reliable.