by Rob Cottingham | Feb 20, 2017 | Speaking, Speechwriting
If you work with a mission-driven organization, you may find yourself speaking at a political rally soon. (Maybe sooner than you think, the way things are going.) You may be there to offer a short greeting and encouragement, or to deliver a rousing featured address,...
by Rob Cottingham | Jan 26, 2017 | Speechwriting
Last week, the good folks at Global’s BC1 news channel asked for my analysis of Donald Trump’s inaugural address. You’ll probably be less than surprised to learn I wasn’t a fan… and not just because it was pretty tedious.
by Rob Cottingham | Aug 19, 2016 | How to..., Speechwriting
Figuring out how your speech is going to start stymies a lot of writers. I’ve spent too many hours staring at the blank screen, starting a paragraph, backspacing, starting again, backspacing, doing the dishes, starting a paragraph, backspacing… It’s...
by Rob Cottingham | Jun 10, 2016 | Communicating, Speaking, Speechwriting
Audience abuse comes in many forms. It happens in speeches. An unprepared speaker who just can’t communicate. A bait-and-switch session that doesn’t deliver what it promised. A speaker who spends their time pitching themselves. A speaker who leaves you...
by Rob Cottingham | Jun 7, 2016 | Culture, Arts and Popcorn, Speechwriting
I’m (finally) watching the convention episode (“Chapter 48”) of season 4 of House of Cards. And early on, there’s a great exchange between a new speechwriter and the pair of writers who’ve been with the Underwoods from the beginning....
by Rob Cottingham | May 27, 2016 | Reviews, Speechwriting
When I coach speakers, there are many moments that feel like breakthroughs. When they show a little vulnerability, and share something of themselves. Or when they internalize the text of a speech well enough to hit every point effortlessly. But few moments give me the...