by Rob Cottingham | Sep 3, 2015 | Speechwriting
Even the most interesting topic can be rendered inert by the simple application of a dull speech. Audiences are human, and they crave a little drama along with their intellectual content.Nobody knows drama better than Nancy Duarte, famous for her concept of the STAR...
by Rob Cottingham | Aug 31, 2015 | Speechwriting
In an ideal world, you’d have the audience in the palm of your hand from “CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY” to “Thank you; you’ve been lovely; tip your servers.”But the world of public speaking isn’t ideal. Audiences have a limitless supply of distractions to choose from:... by Rob Cottingham | Aug 28, 2015 | Speechwriting
You won’t find anyone much more experienced at speechwriting than Colin Moorhouse, and on September 10, he’s sharing some of his immense store of speechwriting wisdom in a free webinar.Better yet, he’s tackling one of the most fundamental (yet...
by Rob Cottingham | Aug 25, 2015 | Speaking, Speechwriting
Tell your friends and family you’re about to write your first speech, and you’ll get a lot of well-intentioned, well-worn advice.“Start with a joke.”“Tell them what you’re going to say, say it, and then tell them what you’ve said.”“If you can’t convince them with...
by Rob Cottingham | Aug 20, 2015 | Speechwriting
Speechwriter and speechwriting trainer par excellence Colin Moorhouse writes about Beached Whale Syndrome: comparing the romantic complaint about men who roll over and fall asleep immediately after an amorous encounter (or, not to put it too delicately, their half of...
by Rob Cottingham | Aug 19, 2015 | Speechwriting
A questioner on Quora asked a while ago how long it takes to write a speech, and what factors affect it. Here’s my answer: I’ve smashed out seven-minute speeches during an election campaign while the plane was landing for statements the speaker gave as soon as...