by Rob Cottingham | Feb 9, 2006 | Conferences and workshops, Speechwriting
Former Clinton speechwriter David Kusnet kicked the main conference off with a keynote that suggested we’re all about to lose our jobs. Okay, not exactly. But if he’s right, we’ll be doing the job of speechwriting a lot differently in the future.... by Rob Cottingham | Feb 8, 2006 | Conferences and workshops, Speechwriting
If the pre-conference session is any indication, this is going to be a terrific conference. Tack Cornelius, a 22-year veteran of the speechwriting game in the political and corporate arenas, just wrapped three advice-packed hours. He conveyed an abiding passion for... by Rob Cottingham | Jan 25, 2006 | Blogging, SpeechList, Speechwriting
Issue 5 – January 25, 2006 IN THIS ISSUE… 1. Opening words 2. Feature article: Can I quote you on that? 3. Catch Rob at the Ragan Speechwriting Conference, February 8-10 4. Your reading list 5. Ever thought of blogging? 6. Subscribing, unsubscribing and... by Rob Cottingham | Jan 24, 2006 | Blogging, Politics, Speechwriting
The campaign is over. And whether you’re stocking up on canned food because the barbarians are pounding on the gates, or delighted because you’ve never gone in for the country’s whole “Ooh, we’re so Canadian! We have Medicare and most of... by Rob Cottingham | Jan 12, 2006 | SpeechList, Speechwriting
Late last year, I asked SpeechList readers for their suggestions for topics in upcoming issues. The response was terrific, with a wide variety of ideas. The next issue is coming out very soon, with a feature article — suggested by a reader — on how to use... by Rob Cottingham | Nov 29, 2005 | Communicating, Politics, Speechwriting
Scott Piatkowski alerted me yesterday to CTV’s contest, Political Idol: If you believe you have what it takes, here’s how it works: Question Period viewers are asked to send in a minute-long written campaign speech on a topic of their choice to...