by Rob Cottingham | Dec 5, 2009 | Blogging, Conferences and workshops, Social Signal
October’s cartoon-blogging at the Real-Time Web Summit was a well-received experiment in innovative event coverage. The response was overwhelmingly positive, the Twitter stream showed people appreciated the added dimension to the event, and the organizers were more than pleased.
Now, two things:
First, the ReadWriteWeb report, The Real-Time Web and its Future, is now on sale. Edited by Marshall Kirkpatrick – one of the smartest guys I know – the report sells for $300, and distills interviews with more than 50 real-time web honchos along with insights from the over 300 folks who attended the summit. Plus there are 10 case studies, 20 profiles of leaders in the field… and a package deal on the report plus RWW’s guide to online community management. Details (and a free sample chapter) here.
And second, I just came across some notes I took on the experience, and I thought they’d be worth sharing. As with most experiments, this one held a few surprises for me – and some useful lessons. Since I want to offer cartoon-blogging as one of our Social Signal offerings, those lessons take on a special significance.
Here’s how it unfolded, and how I’ll fine-tune my approach next time:
- I arrived with my MacBook Pro and Cintiq, and settled in at a table. Handy tip: bring a power bar. Conferences usually max out their electrical outlets, and being able to turn one outlet into many is a valued skill (and a not-bad way to make friends). I have a nice little Belkin that also happens to have USB ports, which can be handy if you want to charge, say, an iPhone. As it turned out, I needed to.
- I had hoped to live-stream my cartooning on (one of the event sponsors). It worked fine on both the Vancouver International Airport and Holiday Inn wireless networks, neither of which was especially fast. But conference WiFi is notoriously unreliable, and bottlenecks and signal dropouts made live-streaming impossible. If live-streaming is anything other than a nice-to-have for you, make absolutely sure there’s a rock-solid Internet connection.
- If WiFi fails, you’ll want to have a Plan B ready to go so you can at least upload your cartoons – or email them to comeone who can. In my case, it was tethering: connecting my computer to the net via my iPhone. (Given the cost of data roaming for this itinerant Canadian, my Plan B would also have involved a second mortgage and possibly a night job.) As it turned out, the wireless connection was reliable enough that I stuck with it.
Now, what I’ll do differently:
- While the main room for the event had plenty of electrical outlets, the same wasn’t true for the breakout sessions. And for that matter, the Cintiq isn’t exactly a mobile device; picking up, moving and setting back up was a time-consuming effort. Next time I’ll take my sketchbook into breakout sessions.
- My digital SLR broke down right before the conference, which meant that when I did use my sketchbook, I was shooting with my iPhone camera. That required a lot of Photoshop work… which I ended up abandoning: the quality just wasn’t good enough. Instead, I wound up redoing the sketchbook in the Cintiq, which doesn’t take as long as you might think but took longer than I’d have liked. Next time, if this comes up, I’ll do bigger, simpler drawings, and shoot them under bright, even light.
- This was a day that relied largely on breakout groups rather than keynotes or panels. Since most of the ones I attended were facilitated rather than led, they were certainly interesting… but they lacked the narrative coherence that can make for good cartoons. Next time I’ll choose more carefully (admittedly, a little harder with the spontaneity of unconferences.) And when a session has me completely out of my technical depth (a debate over whether a particular app has a RESTful API is a solid clue), next time I’ll have the humility to smile and leave.
- There were several sponsors there, and a few made it into one of the cartoons… but most didn’t. I wasn’t playing favourites, but I wouldn’t want to inadvertently put the conference convenors into an awkward position. Next time I’ll clarify with the organizers in advance how to handle sponsors.
- I learned a lot about my own workflow in cranking out cartoons and getting them web-ready. I discovered, for example, that it’s a lot more efficient for me to work in batches: do several sketches, then polish them, and then fire them off. But I’d made some assumptions about how things would go on ReadWriteWeb’s end (through no fault of their’s) and when those proved to be mistaken, I had some scrambling to do. It all turned out fine, but next time I’ll make sure I understand clearly how the workflow will go, establish the organizers’ expectations for the pace and volume of cartoons, and make a personal plan for the day.
- We could have done more to think about presentation: whether the cartoons would have a stream of their own, and where they’d live. As it turned out, they did perfectly well as part of the ReadWriteWeb blog flow, but if I’d cranked up my pace, the day’s blog posts might have been lost in a cartoon sea. (We could have done more to feature them on the Social Signal site too, but as it happened we had a little competing news that day.) Next time, I’ll work with the organizers to suggest ways of presenting the cartoons in a way that enriches the conference experience without detracting from other communications.
The fact I took away some important lessons doesn’t mean I didn’t have fun, of course – I had a great time, learned a lot and, I think, contributed something of real value. And I can’t wait for a chance to do this again.
by Rob Cottingham | Nov 26, 2009 | Cartoons, Conferences and workshops, Noise to Signal, Online Community, Technology
Probably no need to mention that this cartoon was inspired by the Web 2.0 Expo debacle involving danah boyd, a Twitter backchannel projected onto a giant screen behind her, a speech that faced an uphill battle from the get-go, and a few audience members with some... by Rob Cottingham | Oct 10, 2009 | Conferences and workshops
When I drew tomorrow’s Noise to Signal for ReadWriteWeb, I asked my daughter, aka Li’l Sweetie, for her suggestions. She responded by grabbing the Cintiq and adding her own design elements – among them a bubbling mud pond and an extra volcano or two.... by Rob Cottingham | Aug 2, 2009 | Conferences and workshops, Social Signal

(man at a conference to the man next to him, as they look at the only female member of the audience) Nice to see so many women turning out.

by Rob Cottingham | Jul 7, 2009 | Conferences and workshops, Social Signal
Hey, you’ve sponsored a conference – good for you!
Chances are good you wanted to help these folks out, and support some productive conversation, learning and networking. Chances are also pretty good you want to get some benefit out of the sponsorship yourself with goodwill and exposure.
And when they said you’d have an opportunity to speak to the participants, you jumped at it. And you have a great 15-minute pitch carefully crafted by the folks in marketing, including a PowerPoint video that hits all the key selling points.
So why do you have this nagging feeling of impending disaster?
Maybe because you’re about to turn that goodwill into impatience, even hostility.
Because those selling points are about to bounce off a wall of indifference and distraction. And because you’re about to lose a great opportunity.
But I have two pieces of good news.
The first is, everyone’s expecting you to do just that. It’s what sponsors usually do at conferences. They deliver a pitch to an audience anxious to get on with the actual business of the conference: people who are painfully aware of the bill for conference fees, hotel, food and travel, not to mention time away from work, and who don’t want to waste a minute on someone else’s self-serving agenda. And then the sponsor walks offstage to tepid applause, silently wondering if maybe it would have gone over better with more animation in the PowerPoint deck.
So at least you have plenty of company.
And second, it’s not too late to turn things around.
From someone who’s attended and spoken at a lot of conferences, and who’s written those speeches for other people, here are some ways you can do yourself and your audience a lot of good at your next sponsored event:
- Lose the sales pitch. Whatever else you do, please don’t pitch the audience. If all that means is you throw out the PowerPoint, and all you’re left with is a quick “Hi, we here at Social Signal are thrilled to support this conference. I’ll be here for the whole thing, and I hope you’ll grab me to say hi. Have a great four days!”… well, you’re now miles ahead of where you were.
- Make it fast. Thank the audience and organizers for the opportunity to support the event, say briefly why it’s important to you, add a personal note, and wrap up inside of three minutes. Rehearse it to make sure you’re under that limit; if possible, record yourself and then listen to it from the standpoint of an audience member. Does anything sound false, self-serving, trite or dull? Cut it.
- Introduce someone else. Instead of delivering the keynote, arrange with the organizers to introduce one of the conference’s featured speakers – someone people are really anxious to hear. Keep your introduction short; you can indicate why the speaker’s background or subject matter are so interesting to your company in a sentence or two, but the main thing is to get a little credit for helping to make an engaging presentation possible – and that means getting to that presentation quickly. (An added possibility: see if the organizers would be willing to name the keynote after your organization.)
- Hyperlink. Prepare a longer message about your organization and why you’re participating – on your own web site, or on a site like YouTube. Let your audience know they can see it there if they’re interested, and that they can get more information about your products and services there as well. You’ll be helping the people who are genuinely curious about you, without alienating the folks who aren’t.
- Announce something. Give your audience some genuinely exciting news… something that’s exciting to them, and not just to your organization. And it should actually be news, not something you’ve announced already.
- Razzle-dazzle ’em. If you can be genuinely entertaining, then go for it. Sometimes it works best to set something up in advance – for instance, by preparing a (genuinely) funny video.
- Deliver a public service announcement. Talking about something you and your audience care deeply about, a cause your organization is supporting, can identify vital common ground. Be sure to have a call to action: a way interested audience members can learn more and add their support.
- Pull an Oprah. Give your audience members something then and there. Chances are your budget doesn’t allow you to give away cars, but that doesn’t mean you can’t offer something of real value. Have people on hand to hand out copies of a book, announce there are keychain drives with an ebook on them, or put up a claim code onscreen to download something free and valuable.
- Deliver the keynote – really, really well. If and only if you have great content to share, then deliver a keynote. Lose every single one of your selling points; instead, deliver high-value information. Tell stories, and make them part of a compelling overarching narrative that speaks to your audience’s hopes, dreams, ambitions and passions. Make it the best, most memorable speech of the event… and if you don’t think you can clear that bar, then reconsider.
(Now, if you’re the kind of discerning person who’s reading our blog, chances are good you already know that it’s better to engage your audience than to bore them. But maybe there’s someone in your organization who hasn’t quite figured that out yet… or figured out how to act on it. I’m not saying you should slip this under their door… but I’m not saying you shouldn’t.)