by Rob Cottingham | Jun 7, 2016 | Culture, Arts and Popcorn, Speechwriting
I’m (finally) watching the convention episode (“Chapter 48”) of season 4 of House of Cards. And early on, there’s a great exchange between a new speechwriter and the pair of writers who’ve been with the Underwoods from the beginning.... by Rob Cottingham | Jul 16, 2015 | Cartoons, Copyright
This is my favourite news story in a long time. At a concert last Saturday in Quebec City, the Foo Fighters demanded that news photographers sign a contract allowing news outlets to print their photos exactly once, after which over all rights to those photos would...
by Rob Cottingham | May 28, 2015 | Cartoons, Culture, Arts and Popcorn, Noise to Signal
Last weekend’s Vancouver Comic Arts Festival was pretty much everything I’d hoped for, with one predictable exception: getting to exhibit for the first time meant missing a lot of terrific panels. But thanks to some terrific and talented neighbours (Nikkie...
by Rob Cottingham | Oct 21, 2014 | Conferences and workshops, Culture, Arts and Popcorn
I’m going to be one of several folks on stage on November 7 at Interesting Vancouver. Check out this lineup: A seven foot tall drag queen obsessed with bingo An indigenous multidisciplinary artist working to reverse the decline of Squamish language speakers A... by Rob Cottingham | Sep 3, 2014 | Comedy
Comedy sensei David Granirer has teamed with Vancouver comic Al Hassam to launch a new open mic night Wednesdays at La Fontana Caffe. It debuts tonight. And I’ll be hitting their stage for a set at their October 15th show, to which you are cordially invited. It... by Rob Cottingham | Jun 10, 2014 | Culture, Arts and Popcorn
It’s impossible not to compare John Oliver to Jon Stewart. My take on his guest-hosting The Daily Show stint was that he actually delivers a more cogent, sophisticated and nuanced rant than Jon Stewart, and that’s still the case now that he’s at HBO...