by Rob Cottingham | Jul 6, 2004 | Everything Else
With the news that John Kerry has chosen John Edwards as his running mate, there’s one inevitable question on everyone’s lips.And the answer: of course I’m disappointed.Kerry had the opportunity to make history by nominating someone who is not only... by Rob Cottingham | Jul 2, 2004 | Everything Else
While Parliament, the Supreme Court of Canada and the overgrown reptilian hindbrains of certain politicians struggle to grasp the changing definition of marriage, the Canadian Oxford Dictionary has updated its listing without batting a lexicographical eyelid.The new... by Rob Cottingham | Jun 30, 2004 | Everything Else
I’m going to need a little time to put this into perspective and gain any insights beyond the following:1. If I wasn’t a proportional representation fan before, I sure as hell am now.2. E-night was so much better than E-the-next-morning.3. Jack had a... by Rob Cottingham | Jun 27, 2004 | Everything Else
From :”However much he wants to paint himself as a social activist, lambasting Mr. Harper for his social conservatism and his preference for smaller government, the PM’s record shows that he’s as close to the Conservative... by Rob Cottingham | Jun 3, 2004 | Everything Else
News item: Top Liberal strategist vows cabinet hecklers will strike again; Martin says they won’tFrom the private journal of Captain Willard, Special Ops Detachment, Liberal HQ — June 3, 2004:The air was sticky and thick with mosquitoes. Diesel exhaust... by Rob Cottingham | May 17, 2004 | Everything Else
Warren Kinsella, a well-known Liberal who — among many other things — wrote speeches for Jean Chretien, is going through hell right now. As followers of his blog have learned, someone close to him is fighting serious illness.Something he wrote in...