by Rob Cottingham | Feb 17, 2004 | Everything Else
The last two weeks have seen Canadians in a hair-pulling frenzy over the antics of hockey commentator Don Cherry and the obnoxious remarks of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. (Remember this the next time you’re tempted to tweak an American friend about how Janet... by Rob Cottingham | Feb 12, 2004 | Everything Else
Came across this fascinating bit of wisdom today:In order to run an Internet campaign that doesn’t simply use the Internet as the new form of mass mailing, to use it as a form of broadcasting, which is the very old traditional sort of campaigning style, you have... by Rob Cottingham | Nov 11, 2003 | Everything Else
If you’d told me 20-odd years ago when I was angrily listening to the album “War” that one day I’d be singing soft U2 lullabyes to my daughter, I’d have said you were nuts.Well, turns out she’s highly susceptible to “Where the... by Rob Cottingham | Nov 10, 2003 | Everything Else
In the great scheme of things, this is pretty minor. But it’s nice to know that, as Apple relegates my computer to the no-longer-supported column, someone — namely Charles Moore — is bearing witness to its passing. That said, my mighty WallStret has... by Rob Cottingham | Sep 30, 2003 | Everything Else, Politics
With the Ontario election campaign sputtering to a finish, Ernie Eves has been reduced to this: “We are not toast.” As stirring defiance in the face of overwhelming odds goes, it’s no “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.” Any... by Rob Cottingham | Dec 29, 2002 | Everything Else is devoted to the fine art of high-altitude dining. Contributors from around the world take pictures of their in-flight meals and submit them, along with their reviews, to the site.You can have a gander at the listings for various airlines, and decide...