by Rob Cottingham | Sep 24, 2008 | Everything Else
You know, I had some idea this site could be a little, well, slow at times. I figured it was a combination of a shared hosting service and a few extraneous widgets in the sidebar. But with clients’ projects needing attention, and the Social Signal site needing... by Rob Cottingham | Sep 17, 2008 | Everything Else
Does this mean that my “About” page can say, “When Doc Searls needs to benchmark search engines, he counts on Rob Cottingham”? by Rob Cottingham | Sep 15, 2008 | Everything Else
I want to say more, but for now, thank you, Marion, for your inspiration, leadership and courage over so many years. by Rob Cottingham | Jul 31, 2008 | Culture, Arts and Popcorn, Everything Else, Technology, Vancouver
A more complete blog post will follow about the incident and its aftermath… …but if you happen to have stumbled across an iPhone at the Twilight Drive-In after Get Smart (fun movie, somewhat true to the original, surprisingly fewer laughs than expected;... by Rob Cottingham | Jul 17, 2008 | Everything Else
The folks at Metropolis at Metrotown have raised $200,000 for charity via their little ride-on train, and it’s time to start donating it. Right now they’re looking to help organizations in East Vancouver and New Westminster. If you have a worthy cause that... by Rob Cottingham | Jul 13, 2008 | Vancouver
A tasty, glorious day at the Kits Farmers Market. If you live in Vancouver, you owe it to yourself to drop by one of the four markets happening weekly across the city this summer. Naturally, I took pictures… lots of pictures. Here are a few I liked: