by Rob Cottingham | Dec 3, 2007 | Everything Else
An American friend forwarded an email this morning – one of those chain emails that gets passed around and gives everyone a chuckle except yours truly, because I lack the gene that allows you to enjoy chain emails (and LOLcats). This particular one got my goat... by Rob Cottingham | Nov 17, 2007 | Comedy, Vancouver
I hope you had a quarter of the fun I did last night. I headlined the Friday social for the BC NDP convention, a karaoke pub night sponsored by the Young New Democrats. (Wisely, they asked me to do stand-up rather than singing.) And even though it was my first time... by Rob Cottingham | Nov 1, 2007 | Vancouver
Karen Fung has shared a cool-looking Vancouver event with me, and I thought I’d shoot it out to you: Co-Creating the Creative City Presenter: Mark Kuznicki Friday November 2nd, 2007 4:00pm-7:00pm Gallery Gachet, 88 E. Cordova, Vancouver BC The creative economy... by Rob Cottingham | Oct 29, 2007 | Comedy, Vancouver
From my friend (and standup instructor) David Granirer, this year’s Stand Up for Mental Health grad showcase is coming in two and a half short weeks: Stand Up For Mental Health: Grad 2007 Showcase, Sat Nov 17, 7:00 pm. Home Led by Vancouver counselor, stand up... by Rob Cottingham | Aug 24, 2007 | Vancouver
I’m seeing straight again after Sol at the Kitsilano Optometry West 16th branch stayed late to fix my frames. Free of charge. So not only do they have the funkiest frames and the most professional staff I’ve ever dealt with… they’re great,... by Rob Cottingham | Aug 4, 2007 | Everything Else
An old friend asked me (a propos of this cartoon) what air quotes are. A fair question. I responded with a tutorial, which I’m sharing with any of you who have yet to explore this powerful means of self-expression: Hold up your hands beside your head. Make...