by Rob Cottingham | Apr 14, 2007 | Environment, Non-profits, Online Community, Technology, Vancouver
The 30 Days of Sustainability 2007 site has gone live (and if a few of us at Social Signal look a little more relaxed today than we have for the last week, that’s a big reason)… and with it, a new initiative from the ever-inventive 30 Days folks.... by Rob Cottingham | Apr 4, 2007 | Blogging, Online Community, Technology, Vancouver
Good news for anyone who likes the stuff that Vancity’s been up to online: William Azaroff, their in-house visionary, is shifting his blogging into high gear: I have recently been asked why I don’t give my opinion about web 2.0, social marketing, banking,... by Rob Cottingham | Apr 2, 2007 | Vancouver
Here’s what it looked like in my yard: by Rob Cottingham | Mar 29, 2007 | Everything Else
Via Kevin Drum, this LA Times story: Circuit City Stores Inc. has a message for some of its best-paid employees: Work for less or work somewhere else. The electronics retailer on Wednesday laid off 3,400 people who earned “well above” the local market rate... by Rob Cottingham | Mar 15, 2007 | Blogging, Environment, Non-profits, Online Community, Technology, Vancouver
Passionate about sustainability? Wired into the online world? 30 Days of Sustainability needs an online community coordinator. Vancouver’s 30 Days of Sustainability – an annual celebration of sustainability and its role in the world – needs a passionate,... by Rob Cottingham | Mar 5, 2007 | Everything Else
If you’re planning to join a sorority (and there are so many damn good reasons not to, but that’s another post)… if your daughter is thinking of joining a sorority… if any young woman you know is thinking of joining a sorority, and that...