Graphical user interfaith

With all the protests that the impending federal election campaign will likely impinge on Christmas and Hanukkah celebrations, there hasn’t been one word about how badly it will interfere with the speculation over what Steve Jobs will be announcing at Macworld...

Non-profit project management workshop Dec. 8

Thought I’d pass this along: Project Management for Non-Profit Organizations Rob Purdie | December 8, 9:30am – 4pm SFU Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC To register: We all have projects in our...

Take my shrink. Please.

From pal and comedy mentor David Granirer: Come Laugh Your Head Off and Support Mental Health! Stand Up For Mental Health 2005 Graduation Showcase, Sunday November 20 at 7:00 pm at the Arts Club Theatre in Vancouver. With MC Vancouver Mayor and future Senator Larry...