Parents, progressively

Here’s a doctoral thesis topic, donated freely to whichever desperate grad student is the first to glom onto it: Feminism had the key insight that the personal is political back in the late 60s or early 70s. Most people become parents, and there is little that...

Become British in three minutes

Ben P over at MyDD has posted a primer on U.K. electoral politics that pretty much covers it all in just over 2,000 words. Read it, adopt a Monty Pythony accent, and you too can pass yourself off as a British wonk. Until someone asks you about the Monster Raving Loony...

Clear-eyed hindsight

Smoking bans tend to stick to a pattern in their media coverage. Bars and restaurants kick up a storm with dire predictions of economic disaster. They offer a series of “compromises” that generally amount to creating a “no pissing” section of...

Promises Made. Promises Broken.

This just in from our friends at the HEU: ‚ÄúI expect British Columbians to hold us accountable for these promises.‚Äù –Gordon Campbell at an April 23, 2001 election rally in Tsawwassen, BC There‚Äôs an election on May 17, 2005 and the B.C. Liberals will be...

Writing under the influence

You hear about media conspiracies, but boy, you never really expect to see one. We’re now up to three conservative journalists and columnists who wrote their pieces while on George Bush’s payroll — an arrangement they failed to disclose to their...