by Rob Cottingham | Nov 3, 2015 | Speechwriting
Eight years of drawing Noise to Signal has taught me a lot about cartooning… and almost as much about speechwriting.
by Rob Cottingham | Oct 30, 2015 | Speaking, Speechwriting
The long-standing Republican hostility toward the news media was on full display last week after the CNBC GOP presidential debate. And it led them to fall into a trap that tempts many speakers: settling for easy wins instead of preparing for difficult questions. Even...
by Rob Cottingham | Sep 28, 2015 | Speechwriting
Sometimes, there’s just no fighting geography. And the truth is, there’s no faster or better feedback on how a speech you wrote goes over than to be in the audience when it does.That’s often hard, especially if the speech is in another city, or if your speechwriting...
by Rob Cottingham | Sep 25, 2015 | Speechwriting
Being in the audience when a speaker delivers a speech you’ve written is great, for all kinds of reasons. But it does hold one big danger: being asked, “Did you write it?”See if you can spot where this conversation at a banquet table after a luncheon...
by Rob Cottingham | Sep 16, 2015 | Speaking, Speechwriting
I recently saw a speech by someone clearly accustomed to the public spotlight and comfortable on the stage. She had an important message to deliver about a profound social injustice. She spoke with authority and confidence.And she spent nearly all twenty minutes of...
by Rob Cottingham | Sep 8, 2015 | Speechwriting
You’ve written the speech, and it has everything: moving anecdotes, a few telling facts, a gripping narrative, a rousing call to action and a conclusion that will have your speaker’s audience on their feet. (Clapping, not leaving. Important distinction there.)...