by Rob Cottingham | Sep 13, 2006 | SpeechList, Speechwriting
SpeechList, my free newsletter about the craft of speechwriting, has officially moved to Social Signal with issue #7. Along with the usual news, tools and practical tips, this issue has a feature article on breaking into speechwriting: Maybe you’ve written a few... by Rob Cottingham | Jul 13, 2006 | Speechwriting, Vancouver
Funny – we both live here in the Lower Mainland, yet I met Colin Moorhouse for the first time on the East Coast, at the Ragan Speechwriters Conference in Washington, DC. And now you can meet him too, thanks to his all-day speechwriting seminar on July 29th:... by Rob Cottingham | Jun 23, 2006 | Communicating, Speechwriting
As reported in many quarters, including Mystery Pollster: Last Sunday, Bush press secretary Tony Snow speculated about what polls might have shown during World War II: “If somebody had taken a poll in the Battle of the Bulge, I dare say people would have said,... by Rob Cottingham | May 22, 2006 | SpeechList, Speechwriting
Issue 6 – May 23, 2006 IN THIS ISSUE… Opening words Feature article: Seven reasons not to give a speech Reports from Ragan Reading list This issue’s tip Subscribing, unsubscribing and passing along the news 1. Opening words Between a flurry of... by Rob Cottingham | Apr 11, 2006 | Speechwriting
Funny: in February, I led off a presentation at the Ragan Speechwriter’s Conference with the story of how Bob Rae was booed loudly (and embarrassingly) at the Skydome when he appeared to congratulate the Blue Jays on winning the World Series. Now the same thing... by Rob Cottingham | Mar 16, 2006 | Politics, Speechwriting
I don’t know much about state senate races in Maryland. I do know a great quotation when I see one… and Jamie Raskin, a constitutional law professor running in the Democratic primary, has just assured himself a place in the next edition of any half-decent...