by Rob Cottingham | Jul 3, 2005 | Politics, Speechwriting
I’ve been scouring the web for the text of Nelson Mandela’s speech to Live 8 on Friday. The closest I’ve come is finding these excerpts from the BBC. Update: Jay Pausner has found the whole thing. Updateder: …Ach — it’s a speech... by Rob Cottingham | Jun 21, 2005 | Speechwriting
You’ve heard Terry Edmonds, even if you’ve never heard him. He’s written speeches for Donna Shalala, Bill Clinton and John Kerry, and now he has a wide-ranging interview at Gothamist. This passage in particular struck me: We saw you described... by Rob Cottingham | Jun 12, 2005 | Speechwriting
The thought of working for government fills some writers’ hearts with terror. “Work within a bureaucracy? Have my words and imagery dulled down and bowdlerized by the forces of unimaginative conformity? Never!” That’s the stereotype… but... by Rob Cottingham | Jun 10, 2005 | SpeechList, Speechwriting
A few days ago, I launched SpeechList, the (free! free!) newsletter for people who write and deliver speeches. You can subscribe by clicking here. If you’re wondering whether SpeechList is for you, here’s the inaugural issue: SPEECHLIST: WRITING TO BE... by Rob Cottingham | Jun 8, 2005 | Blogging, Everything Else, Speechwriting
Astute observers (or obsessed visitors with too much time on their hands) will notice a new section of my blogroll: speechwriters. It’s a small section so far, but I’ll add more as I stumble across them. And if you know of any speechwriting blogs, let me... by Rob Cottingham | Jun 7, 2005 | SpeechList, Speechwriting
We’re launching a bold new initiative here at ODTAA, a venture in information-sharing, capacity-building, asynchronous interactivity– …eh, it’s a newsletter. But a really cool one. And it’s free. SpeechList focuses on the art and craft of...