by Rob Cottingham | Oct 7, 2010 | Blogging, Social Signal
If you’re a user, you’ve come across Gravatars before. They’re the avatar, or user image, associated with your account, and they show up next to your comments – not just on your own blog, but on any blog… and on any other …
by Rob Cottingham | Aug 27, 2010 | Blogging, Social Signal
Stories abound of rock bands who produce hours and hours of music that deepens the soul, challenges the psyche and redefines human existence in a new, profoundly meaningful way.
And then they write one frigging novelty song, and that’s the one that …
by Rob Cottingham | Jul 19, 2010 | Blogging, Social Signal
Originally posted on BlogWorld Expo.
Flaky wireless connections are a fact of life for bloggers on the move. If it isn’t tortoise-slow downloads, it’s a password that never seems to “take”. If it isn’t a connection that keeps dropping, it’s…
by Rob Cottingham | Jul 16, 2010 | Blogging, Social Signal
It’s official – I’m the cartoon blogger for BlogWorld Expo, coming this October in Las Vegas. And as part of my duties, I’m running a weekly cartoon on their blog. This post originally accompanied one of them.
It can be hard to admit, but blogs have a …
by Rob Cottingham | May 8, 2010 | Blogging, Social Signal
New media turning into old? It’s not as counterintuitive as you might think, as Angela Crocker, Kim Plumley and Peggy Richardson of The Book Broads explained.

by Rob Cottingham | May 5, 2010 | Blogging, Social Signal
Updated: Thanks to Mitch Cohen for this comment pointing to a one-click bookmarklet – even easier!
Blackbird Pie (kind of a gruesome name, if you’ve grown attached to the Twitter icon) is a new Twitter service that lets you post individual tweets to your blog or web site – keeping that good ol’ Twitter formatting intact, while picking up elements of your site’s design (such as the typeface) as well.

Now, because of certain style overrides we have on, the result isn’t quite as picturesque as we might like:
There’s a certain amount of overlap and such. But it’s still pretty sweet, especially since our workflow used to be:
- Load tweet in browser.
- Capture screen. (We use Skitch, so we don’t have to…)
- Crop screen capture image and save.
- Upload image file to our site.
- Paste a link to the image file in our blog editor.
- Add alt text with the contents of the tweet.
With Blackbird Pie, the workflow is:
- Copy tweet URL.
- Paste into Blackbird Pie, and copy resulting embed code.
- Paste embed code into blog editor.
So much easier. And now the text is selectable by others – not a minor issue from an SEO standpoint, either. And it preserves hyperlinks to the original tweet, the Twitter client and the originating Twitter profile.
I like that for a number of reasons, not the least of which is making it easy for people to see the larger context of a tweet: a conversation, for instance, or the user’s Twitter stream. And if you’re trying to blog about a longer Twitter conversation, citing several tweets, this could save you a whole lot of time.
There are plenty of caveats – among other things, it doesn’t work on Tumblr yet, and I keep having to fight the urge to call it “Blackberry Pie” – but it’s a handy tool to have.