SL meets GPL

Holy cow: the Second Life client has just gone open-source: [W]e welcome the inevitable with open arms. Stepping up the development of the Second Life Grid to everyone interested, I am proud to announce the availability of the Second Life client source code for you to...

A big week at Social Signal

Egads: We hired another employee, Second Life developer Catherine Winters (aka Catherine Omega). And not just any developer: she’s the reigning expert on Second Life’s scripting language, LSL. (Also, a wonderful person. Also, wicked smart.) We announced...

EXCLUSIVE: Macworld scoop

This isn’t a rumours site, and I’d hate to receive one of Apple’s famous cease-and-desist notices… but when you get a scoop this huge, you have to pass on the word. Here it is: Steve Jobs’ Macworld keynote will include a new addition to...