by Rob Cottingham | Jul 4, 2006 | Technology
I don’t think I’ll ever run out of clients who worry about linking to an outside resource from their own web site. “Won’t that mean that people leave my site?” they ask. “What if they never come back?” They have good reason to... by Rob Cottingham | Jun 30, 2006 | Technology
Previously on, we looked at a very cool list of web applications that can completely replace your desktop applications (with a very few exceptions). The list’s author, Ismael Ghalimi, was kind enough to respond to my key concern – what... by Rob Cottingham | Jun 28, 2006 | Everything Else, Technology
Delete Microsoft Word. Uninstall Adobe Illustrator. Say goodbye to Excel, Outlook, Access, PowerPoint and a big chunk of your hard drive’s applications directory. I’ve just visited Ismael Ghalimi’s Office 2.0 Setup: a collection of services that do... by Rob Cottingham | Jun 23, 2006 | Technology
MacFixIt has photographic documentation of a swollen battery issue. With prolonged use, the battery housing swells and separates, revealing a little gooey residue. My theory: an owner who touches the battery discovers that it springs apart, and a small alien grabs... by Rob Cottingham | Jun 15, 2006 | Blogging, Online Community, Technology, Vancouver
Social Signal is hiring a Web Production Manager: WHO WE ARE: Social Signal puts the web to work for social change, helping organizations turn online communities into a powerful force for progress. And we’re looking for a web production manager who will organize... by Rob Cottingham | Jun 15, 2006 | Blogging, Communicating, Culture, Arts and Popcorn, Politics
Using YouTube, Google Video and other video hosting sites as a way to generate viral buzz (especially from bloggers) for An Inconvenient Truth has been one of the filmmakers’ most heads-up moves in a very savvy campaign. Behold the latest trailer: