by Rob Cottingham | Sep 13, 2005 | Technology
Previously on this blog, I asked for some suggestions for a new web host for Alex’s and my growing empire of sites. (Few people know that Google is one of ours, for example. Man, the bandwidth charges last month were murder.) Topping our wish list: the ability... by Rob Cottingham | Sep 13, 2005 | Blogging, Technology
One of the cooler things about the web is how many free tools there are to build, maintain, enhance and enjoy web sites. A lot of tools are offered out of the goodness of their makers’ hearts. But that’s not always the case. Sometimes the freebie is a way... by Rob Cottingham | Aug 26, 2005 | Blogging, Communicating, Media Mix, Politics, Technology
Pay very, very close attention to what’s going on at CBC Unplugged. If you’re active in the field of labour relations, that site may just be a crystal ball into your future. It’s the latest project from locked-out CBC producer Tod Maffin (whose name... by Rob Cottingham | Aug 25, 2005 | Blogging, Technology
Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Evan Leeson’s blog,, the newest addition to my blogroll. I’ve known Evan since we worked together in a squat concrete building known as The Bunker, on the grounds of the BC Legislature, during... by Rob Cottingham | Aug 23, 2005 | How to..., Technology
Update – December 4, 2017: According to this handy guide, LibreOffice will do the trick… as will a few smaller utilities. So ignore the rest of this page, and go check it out! Update: Bad news if you’re using OS X 10.7: Bfidlow reports in the... by Rob Cottingham | Aug 22, 2005 | Blogging, Everything Else, Technology
Okay, I can understand bowdlerizing words like f**k and sh-t and j@k$%m*ckled… but as the son of a Dick (as in “short for Richard”), I’m a little narked at what seems to be going on in this screenshot of the iTunes podcast directory: I’m...