Camera phones: the big picture

A young woman is on a train. Creepy guy in a trench coat sits down across from her. She looks up. He flashes. Last century: She moves away, feeling eight shades of humiliated. This century: She takes his picture with a camera phone… and blogs it....

As bloggers everywhere wait with bated breath…

… the good guys unite again to combat spammers: Working together with the same group of folks, the second Web Spam Squashing Summit will be held in the second half of September in Silicon Valley again. Final details are still being arranged, but representatives...

How to be found online

You’ve finished your web site, uploaded it, registered with various search engines, given them enough time to find it… …but nobody’s finding you. So you try Googling on some obvious search terms, and discover that you’re waaaayyyy down...


If a picture is worth a thousand words, what can you say about a picture the size of a single word? Infoguru Edward Tufte has coined the word “sparklines” to describe wee word-sized graphics that pack a lot of data in a tiny package. Conventional wisdom...